Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Website idea

This is a quick idea for my home page for my website which I will be making next year.
I put it together in one of my illustrator lessons, think it might need a bit of improving before it gets put up on the world wide web.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

elizabeth perry

After a recent lecture in which she was featured in I had a look at more of her work on her website, and I really liked it. Her line drawings especially carry conviction and smoothness. She also arranges her images on the page in interesting ways. Her watercolour studies are also fascinating especially the ones of objects with shadows.

She dose daily drawings in a sketchbook which she uploads onto her website definitely worth a look.

Shoe work in progress

The above two images were inspired by Anne Magill and her dry brush technique.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

If the shoe fits

My latest project is all about Primary research and how you have to know about something before you can design for it. The object that I have to focus on is the shoe. As well as well as drawing and painting some of the images have to be done using photography, these are just a few of the photographs I have taken looking at shoes.

Bit of experimenting with close cropping

In the above two images i was looking at lighting and filter effects.

Adobe Av after effects

On project I had to do a while ago was produce a story board for a short 10s film.  This film was then to be created on After Effects. Unfortunately I have had a few problems getting to grips with the program (I think it hates me), but here's a screen shot of my work in progress. 

Monday, 21 November 2011

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Work in progress

I have a new brief in which we have to explain to a alien how an object works. I chose an umbrella.
For this project though we have to use Illustrator. Which looking at my other illustrator work I was a bit nervous about. Oh and we can’t use words just images which makes it even harder.

Thus is a screen shot of my work in progress

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

close cropping

A recent brief was on close cropping of an image and the was different effects can be achieved by how you crop an image. These are some attempts of close cropping some photos that I took lats week.

Here I just cropped the surroundings do you don't know what the cat is looking at.

Cat's eyes

Here I cropped of the mans head so it creates a air of mystery
 about who the person is and what he doing with a hores.
Got this idea from Hiroshige pf just looking through the legs

The clocks ticking..

Yes another illustrator lesson this time its the pen tool and rotating objects.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Egon Schiele

Schilele dose a large amount of work based on the study of people (some rather rude). But what I find interesting about his work is the way he composes his pictures.
In quite a few of his pieces Schiele crops of the top of the hair and/or the legs.

Standing Female Nude In A Blue Robe - Egon Schiele -

This close cropping makes for an interesting composition and helps the image to sit comfortably on the page.
Sitting Woman with Legs Drawn Up - Egon Schiele -

personal work

Here are two bits of personal work I did at the weekend. Just played around with gouache, first time I have ever really used it. Need a bit of practice.

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